Who knew changing hemispheres would give me 2 special days in one year??? Today, we celebrated by going to a free concert in Teatro Colon (Columbus Theatre). We had the best seats (first balcony front row) to watch the Trio Luminar (flute, viola and harp). The 3 women musicians were fantastic - we were all impressed.
The theater was amazing and the performance was the only way to see the inside. Thank goodness for the free concert! It re-opened in May of this year after an almost 5 year overhaul. Its such an old-world style performance space - red velvet, fancy marble bathrooms, wide grande staircases. It's built in a horseshoe shape (for perfect acoustics) with floor seating and then multiple levels of seating above. Delightful morning!
This afternoon we walked through the San Telmo area and checked out their street market. The main square had antiques dealers set up, but the rest of the streets were covered with tables and/or blankets selling any number of knick-knacks or art works. The area was a mob scene. We had heard that there were "impromptu" tango shows going on in the street for tips - but we only caught the last 10 seconds of the only dancing we saw. I think a Tango Show might be in order... we'll see.
Tomorrow we have to return to the Retiro station to see if we can get the train back to Cordoba. I sure hope that works out. I think a train trip would be fun!

The time with the Vances here is coming to a close. Tomorrow is their last full day here. I'm not ready for them to go! We've been having such a fantastic time.
Time seems to be flying by these days. I think its almost moving faster now than it was when we were travelling non-stop. I'm not quite sure why that is though. It could be the wine, of course. But I'm pretty sure that days on the balcony in Recoleta are special and we need to pay attention and take them in (see photo). So we do our best to savor the day. :)
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