Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chau chau Abuelos Vances

We said goodbye to Mom & Dad, Abuelos Vances on Tuesday evening and return to Quatro Vancesinsouthamerica. It was a wonderful 2 weeks with them and it was sad to see them go. We have a couple more days in Buenos Aires before our return trip to Cordoba via train on Friday night. Maybe the extra time will be enough to finish Grandma's puzzle - dancers in the rain. Today we found a suitable violin for Meghan (her first 4/4) as a belated birthday present. She is very excited and it is nice to hear her play again. There is a Suzuki school in Cordoba not far from our new apartment that we hope to enroll the girls in upon our return.We hit some additional sites today, visiting the Plaza Congreso and the MALBA, museum of art, traversing the city by foot and subway - our favorite. Fares run 1.1 peso equal to 30 cents for each of us, and the routes and stops cover most of the central city. After a near miss of leaving Grandpa Steve behind, or stuck in the doors, we have had no more incidents in the tunnels below. Garbage collectors in the city have been on strike for a couple of days. We thought it odd that piles of garbage bags were on every street corner Monday and the piles got larger on Tuesday and today. The news says that the strike is settled but I guess the collectors haven't been paying attention... we'll see. It doesn't smell bad yet but it quite unsitely in an otherwise very clean city.We like it here and have pondered whether Cordoba is the right city settle in for a while. BA has a little more to offer and doesn't seem daunting with 10 times the population of Cordoba. There are no Gridos in BA, serving up our favorite helado, so we will stick with the plan and catch the night train on Friday.

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