We went to another museum that had everything! and especially dinosaur bones. They had every sort of bone that you could imagine from all over the world. Most of the bones were enormus, they were from big dinosaurs. Some of the bones were very tiny, as small as rats bones. In the next room they had shells. Theere was a pointy one with holes on the side. There was another pointy shell but it was green and was from Antartica.
There were more bones too but they weren't dinosaurs they were zebras, giraffes, monkeys, slothes, lions and even a head of a whale. There was a dolfin head and an anteater. There was a gigantic room full of birds - owls, tucans, flamingos and so on. They had a glass tank that had stuffed birds in it and there were buttons with speakers and
when you pressed them the bird made noise.
Our last room had animals, not bones, animals that had been stuffed and there eyes were marbles. There were apes, foxes and penguins. The fox family was a female and four babies that looked like a happy family. The apes had very mean faces. There were at least 6 of them and they were big black and furry. When I first saw them they looked alive. The Emporer Pinguin was very fat and there was a baby. He was very small and very fat and his flippers were on his checkered, fat belly.
I was very cheerful at the end of the museum, I was glad to see lots of stuff and it was very interesting. I was also sad to think that the animals were killed because they all looked like a happy family.
There were more bones too but they weren't dinosaurs they were zebras, giraffes, monkeys, slothes, lions and even a head of a whale. There was a dolfin head and an anteater. There was a gigantic room full of birds - owls, tucans, flamingos and so on. They had a glass tank that had stuffed birds in it and there were buttons with speakers and
Our last room had animals, not bones, animals that had been stuffed and there eyes were marbles. There were apes, foxes and penguins. The fox family was a female and four babies that looked like a happy family. The apes had very mean faces. There were at least 6 of them and they were big black and furry. When I first saw them they looked alive. The Emporer Pinguin was very fat and there was a baby. He was very small and very fat and his flippers were on his checkered, fat belly.
I was very cheerful at the end of the museum, I was glad to see lots of stuff and it was very interesting. I was also sad to think that the animals were killed because they all looked like a happy family.
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