We traveled outside of Cordoba City for the day to the little town of Alta Gracia - an hour south by bus. Small buses leave the Mercado Sud (just 5 blocks from our apartment) every 10-13 minutes. We packed sandwiches and headed out around noon. The main attractions of Alta Gracia are the Jesuit Estancia there and the childhood home of Ernesto Guevara.
After getting to town and learning that the Jesuit mission didn't re-open until later in the day, we headed on foot, following our map and an occasional directional sign through a cute, older, middle class neighborhood to the Casa del Che. Other than the signage, and folks milling around the front porch and yard, the house appeared much like others on the street. Inside, the rooms were full of photos, maps and memorabilia of his facinating life. We all had english guidebooks and even the girls enjoyed walking from room to room reading about his past. His bicycle that he rode across the country was there as well as the motorcycle that he traveresed the continent on. After crossing paths with his legacy since Bovivia guidebooks, it was enjoyable to see the beginings. Che enjoyed golf, which he is credited with introducing to Cuba (although I never saw a picture of him with a 9 iron, gun, cigar and beret), and chess which he only played while drinking mate - convinced that it improved his skill (I will definitely test this theory in my next match with Helen).
From Che's house we stopped for some helado (super cucharachos) and then headed to the Estancia Jesuitica for a glimpse back to the 1800s when this town was centered around this church. Today it remains the only functioning church of the once many estancias in the region. The well preserved buildings and courtyards attached to the church have been converted into a museum full of period furniture, paintings, clothing, tools etc.
After poking around for a short while, we caught our return bus and headed back to the big city.