So, he dropped us off (with our 4 suitcases) in the main plaza. I took a moment to regroup (mind you, it was around 10AM on a Sunday morning here - for a city of over a million people it was a ghost town) and Meghan and I went in search of another hotel.
It didn't take long (thank goodness!). We spent the rest of the day walking around.
Later on in the afternoon, we found a theatre and the girls and I went to see Tinkerbell - Hadas del Rescate. Mike respectfully declined to view with us and decided to just walk around for the hour and save the brain cells. Thankfully for the girls and I, this was another movie where our lack of Spanish fluency was not a hardship to follow the storyline. :)
We are moving tomorrow into a small apartment where, hopefully, we can start making our own breakfasts. Argentine breakfasts consist of 1-2 pieces of toast with marmelade/butter or a medioluna (a small croissant-like bread with a sticky sugar on the top) and a cup of coffee or tea. We are really missing eggs (keep in mind, I don't really even LIKE eggs - I just miss eating them for breakfast!).
I think we are going to have to invest in some more Spanish lessons. The language here is very different to what we are used to - and beyond that it's pretty fast. I'm still translating the first 5 words in my head while the clerk, teller, salesperson, etc. is about 15 words ahead of me. It's like being back to square one - and it's a little daunting at this point. I'm hoping some more Spanish will help - it sure can't hurt at this point.
We hope to be able to do more exploring this week, not just focusing on the touristy stuff (although I really want to check that out too!).
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