So, today was a good one. I'm probably a little too into the dinosaur footprints, but I have to confess I have been a big fan since childhood. So much so that when "The Land of the Lost" was on - it was worth every nightmare I ever had to watch it.
So today, I sat in footprint of a Diplodocus (quadrupedal vegetarian of massive size - Google it if you need a photo). Pretty dern cool, if you ask me. We also saw footprints of several carnivores (among them the Velociraptor) and some sort of Pteradactyl. Okay, so Way cool!
Afterwards, we took a little hike down a dry stream-bed until we reached the Mirador for the Torotoro Canyon. The colors of the stratas were phenomenal. Blues and purples and reds and browns. Gorgeous.
From there we walked to a series of stairs down to El Vergel. A set of waterfalls from an underground spring that emerge to ground level with warm water year round. This locale is bright green and full of moss all the time. It was lovely and the girls and Mike went for a swim.
The walk back to the top was harder than I had imagined. When we emerged at 2KM straight up - we were so happy to see the car and our driver I almost cried. From then an easy 4 hour drive back into the city (Cochabamba) for our "high end - wifi in room" hotel. Let's just say in Bolivia - $10US/night is a major difference in quality. :)
I think we are slowly coming to realize that we are tired of travelling. We have at least a week more planned in Bolivia - then I think we actually might be pleased to stay in one place for a while. We'll keep you posted as soon as we know ourselves for sure.
Buenas Noches!
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