Finally we got to... you guessed it, Cordoba!!! I love it here. There are tons of solo pedestrian streets and they're full of shops and people with their merchandice laid out on tarps on the street. They are my favorite type of street but we dont go on them much because we have been walking off the map to lots of crazy places. Today we walked to the University. On the way we passed the duck pond that was more like a lake and walked beside it. The ducks were taking siestas and didn't move until the dog that was walking behind us scared them away. We ate ice cream while we were waiting for the Suzuki office to open. We are looking forward to taking violin classes in spanish. Yikes!!! The lady we talked to said that we could take a private class and a group class each once a week. The problem is we still dont have violins(which is a problem when your looking for violin lessons!) I would have gotton one a while ago but there all made from china and the people here call them student violins because when your learning it doesnt really matter if the violin itself sounds good or not:) The campus is beautiful but since Cordoba is having a little drought its a little brown. However we fond these really cool kind of soocer ball looking thing but it wasn't all together in a ball. Helen and I are going to make neclaces out of them as our next project because there hard and a string could tie around them. Next week we are going to start spanish class. Dad, Mom and I are going to be in one class and Helen in the other. We took a placement test that was really hard. We had to conjugate verbs which was pretty easy until they made us start doing it in different tenses. I am no good at tenses so it drove me crazy. I can memorize any irregular verb conjugation but the tenses I just cant get!!! We are cooking in the kitchen(having salad tonight) and after we do the dishes we watch our direct TV which lets you take any dubbed show in spanish and turn it back to english. Helen and I love it!!! Our apartment is really nice but Helen and I get the noisy until we fall asleep because we sleep like dead people(even I admit it). Its nice to have internet, a couch, a kitchen, a real dining room table not in a restraunt ect. We will keep posting!!!
Left is a picture of the soccer ball things and right is of the Catedral.
i love all your pictures and stories! grandma and grandpa are so excited about seeing you and helen and your mom and dad! can't wait to hear about your vacation with them!
ReplyDeletedo you need us to send you violins? We have Helena's 1/2 size that she isn't using, and we could send yours too if it is at your house??