On Sunday we were invited to a picnic with some of our friends. At noon we were picked up by our friend Elizabeth in her nice car. She drove us to her house to pick up some stuff that we would need for the huatia. "Eric's sister and her son live across the street and also Eric's mother" said Elizabeth. Eric soon turned up after that and he was with the Leonard-Rose's our friends from New York. Eric ran off to get his mother, sister and her son and while he was gone we greeted the Leonard-Roses and then Eric came acompanied by two women and a four year old boy that was named Fabricio. Isabel, Meghan and I rode in the trunk of the car so that everybody had room.
Finally we arived at the pice of land that we were going to have the huatia. The land was grassy and it had alot of bushes. While the grown-ups were talking we played with Fabricio's ball that he had brought. Afterward we went down to the river. We wanted to make a dam but it didn't work out so we decided to pick up litter. We filled three big bags full of the garbage from the creek. We went to see the huatia before it was crushed.
Let me explain, a huatia is a pile of adobe bricks shaped like an igloo but much smaller. You put fire in the entrance and wait almost an hour and then take it out again. Then you make a hole out of the bricks and throw potatoes in. Then you crush the hot bricks on top of the potatoes and wait another hour. After the potatoes, we cooked some meat, chicken and beef.

Everything was delicious! When everybody finished we started playing dodgeball, only a couple people wanted to play, Eric, Mariela, Meghan, Elizabeth, Isabel and me. We played for a very long time until a very long turn and then nobody wanted to play anymore exept for me. Shortly after that we went home because the sun was going down. Isabel, Meghan and I rode in the trunk again and when it was Fabricio's stop we separated cars but the Leonard-Roses were going to walk home. Eric and Elizabeth took us home with and we said goodbye. The food was so good, so it only took a minute to go to sleep.
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