It's kind of annoying to have to wake up at 6:30 am everyday but it is definately worth it! We are now into the second month and things have gotten so much better. Easier and less homework! In spanish with miss Karina we have finished our first unit in social studys and are working on our second. My ultimate success in the last unit was making a Power Point by myself all in spanish, on central america including the Aztecs and the Mayans. María José and I were partners and we both got 19 out of 20 on our presentation, which was the highest mark in the class!!! Right now our unit is on the choices of the government and how they effect the people. In this unit the first part is all about money. Things like, Where do they print money and who has the right to do it? Also, Why don't they print money all the time? For homework we are investigating economic models like capitalism and socialism. In language arts we are working on where to put the the accents on certain words. We had a test on the accents and I got 68 out of 78. I wasn't very happy at first but then not many people got over 70! Wednesday is now my favorite day of the week. We get computer in the mornings with miss Natie and then spanish. After lunch we have english but thats ok because all we do is math. Then after the big recess we have music and drama. Music is the most boring class in the world. Worse than Razonamiento Matemática which is math in spanish. We sing ¿Estrellita dónde estás? Which is twinkle twinkle little star in spanish. We also have baby games but at least that is only for 45 minutes! Drama is really fun and next week we are going to start doing little plays in groups of 6!!! We continue singing the national anthem every Monday and I am suprised that I've almost memorized it! Helen and I are still taking afterschool and my volleyball skills are improving rapidly! María José is now "mi mejor amiga" (my best friend). I think that is so great that a girl from another continent is as awesome of a friend as any of the girls in the U.S!!! My other best friend is Nicole from the other sixth grade class. She is really funny and likes to pretend she's a hippie fortune teller and reads palms. We always play volleyball together at recess and last Friday mister Wilson came out to play with us. We played really well so the camera man that is making videos for the school filmed us!!! In 2 weeks we have our "fall" break and we are going to go to the jungle!
Left to right.
Top row: Profe Wilson, Alessandra, Camila, Gabo, Adolfo, María José and Profe Karina
Middle row: Carmen, Alex, Renán, Catalina, Sabrina and Ana Lucía Casapino
Bottom row: Antonella, Josep, Daniela, Me, Ana Lucía Gomez and Stefany/Tófi
Missing: Isabelle
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