Today we went to the Choco Museo with David and Nancy. It was where you could learn about chocolate, but we went there for a special tour to learn how to make chocolate. When we got there a delicious smell filled the room. I looked upstairs and there were exhibits that told you all about chocolate. Once we heard that it was time, we hurried into the kitchen. There was a man standing there. He told us tha he was Alan. Then he took us upstairs to see the cocoa beans. There was a big fake tree that had fake cocoa beans. After that we went back to the kitchen. Alan took out a bunch of cocoa beans. We took them over to the stove and heated them. I stirred them around and then we took them back and started pealing them from the skin. We put the beans into a large glass bowl. He gave us the tools that we would need, a mortal and pestal! I had never used one before! We each took a handfull of the beans and crushed them into the finest dust we could, but it wasn't good enough. Alan said that it needed to be a little more soft so we put them into a grinder.
After it was very soft, we added water and mashed it up and drank it just like the Mayans used to. It was the most disgusting drink ever. Nobody liked it except David.
Next Alan took out melted chocolate that he had already made and he took out molds. He gave us each one bowl of chocolate and we were to put it into the molds. Once I was finished,
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