We had a great day a the beach in downtown Canoa today. It was an overcast day with very little sun breaking through the cloudcover at about 1:00. We rented a suntent that came with 2 beach chairs. The girls, who barely sit anyway, were relegated to the ubiquitious white resin chairs when they wanted to sit.
I took a surfing lesson today. Unfortuneately, I didn't know that one should take these lessons in the morning - when the waves are tame. By the time I got my lesson (note: today was the World Cup finals and everyone was somewhere in front of a tv to watch Spain win until 4:00) it was high tide and the waves were massive.
My instructor, Marcelo, was a totally nice guy. He said it was possible that I could learn this afternoon. He drew a surfboard in the sand and had me practice getting from my belly on the midline of the board. I practiced several times, never quite getting it correct. He was very patient and he reminded me it would be easier to do this on the sand than on the water.
When we got in the water to my waist, the waves were breaking over my head. What in the world possesed me to want to do this? The first try, I couldn't get up and on my way to take the board back out - I got hit in the face with a massive wave. It cleaned out my sinuses, my ears and my tonsils. I'm lucky I got to keep my contacts. The next try to pictured here. That's as far up as I got before trying to get my foot under me and tumbling off.
There's always the morning next Saturday. I think I might try it again.
All in all, we had a great day in town and we're ready for another week of Spanish class starting tomorrow.
wow! surfer mama ole!