Been hangin' out on the beach again, this time in a larger surf town than Canoa. Still quite a
managable size on foot with many restaurants to choose from. It is winter here, highs in the mid 70s and lows in the 50s so it is quieter than usual. Mornings are chilly and the clouds don't break until 1 or 2 but once the sun comes out it is very nice, no swimming though, the water temp is cold, cold. The fisherman here still use the original reed boats of old, which are great to see, intermixed with the surfers (in wet suits). 
The girls have discovered Inca Cola here, a new drink favorite, and Debby and I have been sampling the Peruvian cervesas. Otherwise not much else has been accomplished here except for laundry, and it was time. I think we are sticking around for another day or so, there are some pre-incan ruins nearby to explore tomorrow.
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