Today after school we went to Pisac. We took a long bus ride with our grandparents. When we got there and into our hotel we wondered what to do next. Finally we went wandering around in the market and then we went to see our friends the Hasties. They were staying in Pisac for a while. We played and talked at their hostel for a while. They wanted to go to dinner at a restaurant that they liked so we said that we would set our stuff down in the hotel and then come back. When we got back to the Pisac Inn my grandparent's stomachs didn't feel good so they stayed at the hotel while we went to eat with the Cathy, Matt, Katie & Georgia. The restaurant was good but the food made Meghan's stomach hurt so she went back to the hotel with Dad while the rest of us went to get dessert. Once I finished my dessert (
ice cream) Mom and I walked back. We had bought Meghan and Dad apple pie. When we got back, I got into my pj's and went to bed. The next morning we ate breakfast and went out. We took two taxis up to the ruins and started wandering around the ruins. My favorite part was when we went into a cave. At the end we went to see how the Incas made water come out of the rocks. At the very end we saw a huge waterfall! There was a lady selling bracelets in front of the waterfall. Grandma bought a bracelet. The woman's name was Ana. We went down the path and back into town. On the way to Ollantaytambo I thought about the trip that we had and how much fun Pisac was.
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