The most beautiful place in Iquique is the square. All around the square were lots of tents that were reprasenting each country. For example: There was a French tent and they were selling chocolate fondue. In the middle of the square was a tall white building that might have been a cock tower. In two straight lines were beautiful fountains splashing into a small pool. There was a walkway. When we first saw the square there were people swimming in the pool.
Right in front of the tall white building was a stage and a fat, white, short building. We decided to go see what was in that building. So we walked inside and asked the guy at the desk what this place was. He told us that it was a theatre and if we would want to look inside, and Mom and Dad exchanged looks and Mom nodded. Inside was huge! Pretty much the only thing there was th
e stage. Seats were lined up in front of the stage and they looked like they were going to spring to life and start dancing. We got to go up on the stage and it was amazing! Just going up there made me want to sing and dance all at the same time. Upstairs was much funner than down stairs. There were lots of box seats on either side of the theater.
The next place that we were going was the regional museum. Inside was alot of clay things like people (that were naked), and animals, and pots and plates. There were alot of mummies that were older than the ones in Egypt. There were children, women and men and boys. The skulls were weird too. They had long heads that stuck up at the end. There clothes were cool too. The women wore shawls with a really cool design. My favorite things in the room were the tokens. They were made of cardboard, metal, silver, copper, bronze and gold. Each had the same design on it, a trolly.
Iquique was a place for tourists, and I was definitely one.
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