Today is going to be a great day here in Argentina. We were going to visit a couple of wineries. We were picked up at our apartment by Guide Tracy and were off to the Trapiche winery which was closed for production.
After asmall intro by the winery guide, we enjoyed the tasting of several different wines. Bought some wine. Left from there to go to the Familia Zuccardi winery, where the girls are riding bikes while we drank the samples. After lunch, Meghan, Helen and I had our photo taken with Julia of the Santa Julia label wines.
We got back in the apartment in time for a good afternoon nap. Next thing I knew, Barbara was waking me up to get dressed for the Christmas Eve Service at the Basilica de San Francisco for a Catholic mass. Very interesting service and I am sure the head guy gave a great sermon, if only I could have understood Latin and Spanish. In the middle of the service, a large dog walked down the aisle and layed down in the aisle beside Helen. The main guy never slowed down in his sermon.
I am going to off chanel this and say that on the 17th of December, Barbara and I celebrated our 43rd anniversary with a pizza and wine (Oh! Mendoza and the wine).
This has been a great overall trip. I have seen Santiago, Chile, Mendoza, Iguazu Falls, Guira Oga (rehabilitation of animals and birds), the wineries, and had an excellent time with the Vance Family.
I am proud of Meghan who is turning into a real girly-girl and never fails to impress me. Helen exhibits a certain amount of patience which I am always short of, and she is to be congratulated.
Debby and Mike are great parents and have done a great job in raising their children.
I look forward to giving up my naps every afternoon and re-establishing myself back into the real world.
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